# # Items of interest to the Pacific community and the Pacific RIM # # Universities and Research Organizations https://www.usp.ac.fj/feed/ "~University of the South Pacific (Fiji)" # NGOs #https://www.forumsec.org/feed/ "~Pacific Island Forum" curl/8.5.0 (rsdoiel@gmail.com, rsdoiel.github.io) # site reimplemented without RSS feeds # Micronesian Conservation Coalition fails to open, they are whitelisting some how, works in Firefox, Chrome, but not with skimmer or wget. # Curl response shows a HTML document with JavaScript, that appears to be some sort of redirect have doing tracking creepy stuff. # This may explain why it works in Firefox, Chrome, Safari but not in skimmer. But when I use Firefox and disable JS # I still get to the feed content. Lynx will treat the content as downloadable and ask to download (which it can). #https://micronesianconservation.org/feed/ "~Micronesian Conservation Coalition" # Web Based News services #https://micronesia.expatreporter.com/?feed=rss2 "~Micronesia -- The Expat Reporter" # host is unknown as of 2023-12-07 # # Commercial News Papers, Guam and the Northern Marianas, Republic of Belau # # guampdn.com: getting errors, to many requests, 2023-10-16 #https://www.guampdn.com/search/?f=rss&t=article&c=news&l=50&s=start_time&sd=desc "~Guam Pacific Daily News" #https://www.guampdn.com/search/?f=rss&t=article&l=10&s=start_time&sd=desc&k[]=#topstor "~Pacific Daily News" curl/8.5.0 (rsdoiel@gmail.com, rsdoiel.github.io) # even after adding the agent string retrieving the feed is not reliable, 2023-12-15 #https://www.postguam.com/search/?c=news*&t=article&nsa=eedition?s=start_time&sd=desc&l=50&f=rss "~The Guam Daily Post" curl/8.5.0 (rsdoiel@gmail.com, rsdoiel.github.io) # feed is dropped, not reliable, 2023-12-23 https://www.postguam.com/search/?f=rss&t=article&c=news/local&l=50&s=start_time&sd=desc "~Guam Daily Post" # pacificialndtimes.com: getting errors, too many requests, 2023-10-16 https://www.pacificislandtimes.com/blog-feed.xml "~Pacific Island Times" curl/8.5.0 (rsdoiel@gmail.com, rsdoiel.github.io) # Northern Marianas Papers https://www.mvariety.com/search/?nsa=eeditionl=50&t=article&f=atom "~Marianas Variety" # saipantrimbine.com: getting errors, to many requests, 2023-10-16 #https://www.saipantribune.com/search/?f=rss&t=article&l=50&s=start_time&sd=desc&k[]=#topstory "~Saipan Tribune" # dropped 2023-12-05, not reliable # From the Republic of Belau #https://www.tiabelaunews.com/?feed=rss2 "~Tia Belau (Palau's First Newspaper)" # gives warning about logging to view content, 2023-12-08 https://islandtimes.org/feed/ "~Island Times" # Republic of the Marshal Islands https://marshallislandsjournal.com/feed/ "~Marshal Islands Journal" # Tonga #https://www.nepituno.to/index.php?format=feed&type=rss "~Nepituno (Tonga)" # Fiji bases, covering the whole Pacific region #https://islandsbusiness.com/category/news-break/feed/ "~Island Business, news break" # # PNG based news services # #https://www.postcourier.com.pg/feed/ "~Post Courier (PNG)" #https://www.looppng.com/section/40068/rss "~The Loop (PNG)" # # State of Hawaii # https://www.hawaiipublicradio.org/index.rss "~Hawaii Public Radio" https://www.pbshawaii.org/programs/kakou-hawaiis-town-hall/feed/ "~KĀKOU: Hawaiʻi’s Town Hall" https://www.pbshawaii.org/programs/hiki-no/feed/ "~HIKI NŌ ON PBS HAWAIʻI" https://www.pbshawaii.org/programs/home-is-here/feed/ "~Home is Here" https://www.pbshawaii.org/programs/insights-on-pbs-hawaii/feed/ "~INSIGHTS ON PBS HAWAIʻI" https://www.hawaii.edu/news/feed/ "~University of Hawaiʻi News" https://www.manoanow.org/search/?f=rss&t=article&c=kaleo&l=50&s=start_time&sd=desc "~Ka Leo O Hawaiʻi (UH Manoa student newspaper)" #https://thesilversword.com/feed/ "~Chaminade Silversword (Chaminade Univ. student newspaper)" Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0 https://thesilversword.com/category/news/feed/ "~Chaminade Silversword (Chaminade Univ. student newspaper)" Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:121.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/121.0 https://hawaiipacificreview.org/feed/ "~Hawai'i Pacific Review (HPU Literary Magazine)" https://www.hawaiitribune-herald.com/feed/ "~Hawaii Tribune Harold" #https://www.staradvertiser.com/feed/ "~Honolulu Star Advertiser" # # American Samoa News # #https://www.samoanews.com/rss.xml "~Samoa News" #https://www.talanei.com/feed/ "~Talanei" #https://talamua.com/feed/ "~Talamua" # # U.S. Based News Services # https://apnews.com/hub/micronesia.rss "~Micronesian Hub AP News Service" # # European News Services covering Micronesia # https://www.theguardian.com/world/micronesia/rss "~The Guardian, World/Micronesia" # # FSM Government feeds # https://gov.fm/index.php/component/content/category/35-pio-articles?Itemid=177&format=feed&type=rss "~FSM Public Information Office (Simina Administration)" #https://gov.fm/index.php/component/content/category/34-pio-articles?Itemid=177&format=feed&type=rss "~FSM Public Information Office (Panuelo Administration)" # # Sometimes features articles on Micronesia (like when the U.S. wants something # from them) # #https://statemag.state.gov/feed/ "~State Magazine (U.S. Department of State)" #https://www.doi.gov/feeds/list/19446/rss.xml "~OIA News (U.S. Department of the Interior)" # not available (404) 2023-12-05 after being a "maintenance" page on 2023-12-04 # FSM based Science and Educational organizations https://www.meripmicronesia.org/feed/ "~MERIP News, Marine Environment Ressearch Institute of Pohnpei" # https://micsem.org/feed/ "MicroSem News" # removed due to vandalized feed, 2024-05-03 RSD # # Environmental # https://www.islandconservation.org/feed/ "Island Conservation News" # # FSM Feeds # http://www.fsmdb.fm/feed/ "FSM Development Bank News"