News gathered 2024-12-09

(date: 2024-12-09 07:08:55)

Somewhere Along the Way, a Mistake Had Been Made

date: 2024-12-09, updated: 2024-12-09, from: One Foot Tsunami

@Dave Winer’s linkblog (date: 2024-12-09, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

These guidelines evolved over many years of trying to reason with trolls and spammers.

15 Times to use AI, and 5 Not to

date: 2024-12-09, from: One Useful Thing

Notes on the Practical Wisdom of AI Use

Find Me on Bluesky

date: 2024-12-09, from: Aaron Bos blog

I have mixed feelings about social media and the value it provides, but I’ve recently joined Bluesky in hopes of regaining the value that I used to get out of Twitter/X from a developer’s perspective.

Raspberry Pi 500 and Raspberry Pi Monitor on sale now

date: 2024-12-09, from: Raspberry Pi News (.com)

Announcing the hotly anticipated Raspberry Pi 500, available now at $90, and Raspberry Pi Monitor, on sale at $100.

The post Raspberry Pi 500 and Raspberry Pi Monitor on sale now appeared first on Raspberry Pi.

Do General Audiences Exist?

date: 2024-12-09, from: Tedium site

Based on the sharp decline of the G rating, apparently not. Let’s look at the oddities of the broadest film rating.

The Curious About Everything Newsletter #45

date: 2024-12-09, from: Curious about everything blog

The many interesting things I read in November 2024

Episode 127 - Molecular Electronic Computer

date: 2024-12-09, from: Advent of Computing

In 1961 Texas Instruments unveiled the Molecular Electronic Computer, aka: Mol-E-Com. It was a machine that fit in the palm of your hand, but had all the power of a much larger computer. This was in an age of hefty machines, which made the achievement all the more marvelous. How was this even possible? It was all thanks to the wonders of molecular electronics, and a boat load of funding from the US Air Force.

Selected Sources: - Invention of the Integrated Circuit, Kilby - Investigation of Silicon Functional Blocks, TI - Silicon Semiconductor Networks, TI

download audio/mpeg

@Dave Winer’s linkblog (date: 2024-12-09, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

Severance Season 2 Official Trailer.

date: 2024-12-09, updated: 2024-12-09, from:, cloud tunneling

Inlets Uplink is a complete solution for automating tunnels, that scales from anywhere from ten to tens of thousands of tunnels.

Don’t Ride This Bike! Generative AI’s persistent trouble with compositionality and parts

date: 2024-12-08, from: Gary Marcus blog

When the text-to-image AI generation system DALL-E2 was released in April 2022, the two of us, together with Scott Aaronson, ran some informal experiments to probe its abilities.

@Dave Winer’s linkblog (date: 2024-12-08, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

Fantastic discussion with Jon Stewart and Bernie Sanders on Rebuilding Trust & Efficacy in the Government. The best of both of them, great stuff.

@Dave Winer’s linkblog (date: 2024-12-08, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

These are the stories from the feeds I follow, organized into tabs for tech, politics, podcasts, bloggers. I think every publication, large or small, should share the news they read, to help promote other news sources. This is one of the most visited sites I run.

@Dave Winer’s linkblog (date: 2024-12-08, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

Thanks to AI, the Hottest New Programming Language is English.

@Dave Winer’s linkblog (date: 2024-12-08, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

The Syrian Regime Collapsed Gradually—And Then Suddenly.

GEEKOM GT1 Mega Review: This Meteor Lake mini PC packs a punch

date: 2024-12-08, from: Liliputing

In recent years AMD has been delivering mobile processors that offer better CPU and graphics performance per watt than their Intel counterparts. That’s why most of the best high-performance mini PCs feature AMD inside. But after testing the GEEKOM GT1 Mega mini PC, I’ve found that Intel isn’t out of the game yet. This little […]

The post GEEKOM GT1 Mega Review: This Meteor Lake mini PC packs a punch appeared first on Liliputing.

@Dave Winer’s linkblog (date: 2024-12-08, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

Blogrolls were the beginning of today's social web.

@Dave Winer’s linkblog (date: 2024-12-08, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

Best TV Shows of 2024.

@Dave Winer’s linkblog (date: 2024-12-08, from: Dave Winer’s linkblog)

What does martial law look like in the U.S.?

Entrapix: You Should Have A ConfusedAgentError

date: 2024-12-08, updated: 2024-12-08, from: Tom Kellog blog

I just released entrapix, which is a fork of Ollama that raises a ConfusedAgentError, so to speak, when the LLM becomes unsure of itself.