# SoCal North's feeds. # Weather Data https://api.weather.gov/points/34.3917,-118.5426 "~NOAA Forecast for Santa Clarita" curl/8.5.0 (rsdoiel@gmail.com, rsdoiel.github.io) # # For Profit news organizations # #https://scvnews.com/feed/ "~SCV News (TV Station)" #https://signalscv.com/feed/ "~The Signal" https://sanfernandosun.com/feed/ "~the San Fernando Valley Sun/el Sol de Valle San Fernando" #https://laopinion.com/feed/ "~La Opinion (Los Angeles)" # # Non-Profit news organizations # #https://chumash.gov/latest-news?format=rss "~Chumash News" https://transitinglosangeles.com/feed/ "~Transiting Los Angeles" https://laist.com/index.atom "~The LAist" https://thecatalinaislander.com/feed/ "~Catalina Islander" # # College Student Newspapers # https://tech.caltech.edu/index.xml "~California Tech (Caltech Student Newspaper)" https://sundial.csun.edu/feed/ "~The Sundail (CSUN Student Newspaper)" #https://www.laloyolan.com/search/?f=rss "~Laloyolan (LMU Student Newspaper)" curl/8.5.0 (rsdoiel@gmail.com, rsdoiel.github.io) https://www.laloyolan.com/search/?f=rss&t=article&c=news&l=50&s=start_time&sd=desc "~Laloyolan (LMU Student Newspaper)" curl/8.5.0 (rsdoiel@gmail.com, rsdoiel.github.io) https://pepperdinebeacon.com/feed/ "~Pepperdine Beacon (Pepperdine Student Newspaper) # https://caltechletters.org/feed.xml "~Caltech Letters (a student blog)" # Appears defunct now, May 2024 https://canyonsnews.com/feed/ "~The Canyon News (COC Student Newspaper)" https://dailytrojan.com/feed/ "~The Daily Trojan (USC Student Newspaper)" curl/8.5.0 (rsdoiel@gmail.com, rsdoiel.github.io) https://wp.dailybruin.com/feed/ "~The Daily Bruin (UCLA Student Newspaper)" https://theroundupnews.com/feed/ "~The Round Up (Pierce College Student Newspaper)" https://theoccidentalnews.com/feed "~The Occidental News (Occidental College Student Newspaper)" http://civiewnews.com/feed/ "~CI View (CSCI Student Newspaper)" # Pasadena City College Courier has some specific header/user agent strings it is expecting, 2023-10-31 RSD #https://www.pcccourier.com/feed "~PCC Courier (PCC Student Newspaper)" # Add Mount Saint Mary's University Student Newspapers # UCSB Student Paper # # NGO and community sites # #https://www.tataviam-nsn.us/feed/ "~Tatavium Tribal News" # feed not working 2023-12-20, cert not validating, unknown authority # Gabrielino Tribe feeds and be returning forbidden for a couple weeks, 2023-10-30 RSD #https://gabrielinotribe.org/tribal-news/feed/ "~Tongva Tribal News" https://laconservancy.tumblr.com/rss "~L.A. Conservancy Blog" # # Research Libraries and organizations https://libcal.caltech.edu/rss.php?m=month&iid=3271&cid=3754 "~Caltech Library Events" https://library.csun.edu/blogs/cited/feed/ "~CSUN Library Blog, Cited" # # Government sites # https://santaclarita.gov/feed/ "~City of Santa Clarita" https://www.santaclaritalibrary.com/feed/ "~Santa Clarita Public Library" https://www.portofhueneme.org/feed/ "~Port Hueneme" # May expect known browser agent string #https://www.vandenberg.spaceforce.mil/rss/ "~Vandenberg Base News" #https://desertgazette.com/blog/?feed=rss2 "~Desert Gazette Blog" #HTTPs://www.rand.org/blog.xml "~RAND blog" #https://www.rand.org/news/press.xml "~RAND press releases"