Let’s copy and modify our list_repos definition to list_repo. Paste it after the function list_repos. We’ll be updating the if block too.
In the definition section add
def list_repo(api_url, auth_token, repo_id):
'''List all the repositories, return the listing object'''
req = urllib.request.Request(
url = api_url+'/repositories/'+str(repo_id),
data = None,
headers = {'X-ArchivesSpace-Session': auth_token})
response = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
return None
except urllib.error.URLError as e:
return None
src = response.read().decode('utf-8')
return json.JSONDecoder().decode(src)
In the test if block add
# Test for list_repo
repo_id = int(input('Enter repo id (e.g. 2): '))
repo = list_repo(api_url, auth_token, repo_id)
print('repository', json.dumps(repo, indent=4))
Are the results what you expected? Are we still getting an array?
Full listing repo.py