One, builds on a minimal design
A Demo Theme for a mkpage project
One is a minimal theme. It uses a single page template, a CSS file
and a single embeddible SVG file. It demonstrates basic usage of the
mkpage command in a Bash script (see mk-one.bash).
Site navigation is managed in a Markdown file named That
file renders as a single level UL element. Other markdown files
provide the main body content for the three pages of the site
(index, about, contact).
If you are building a website that fits well into a single page
then this theme is a good starting point for experimentation.
The components
- page.tmpl is the template used to render all HTML pages
- css/site.css is the CSS used to define the sites design
- assets/logo.svg is an embeddible logo to demonostrate embedding SVG images in HTML
The following template variables (replaceable content) are used.
- page.tmpl example output index.html
- .Logo - path to the SVG that will be embedded in the HTML
- .CSS - text of path to the CSS file
- .SiteTitle - text of title
- .SiteSlogan - text of site slogan if available
- .SiteInfo - text site info
- .SiteCopyright - text of license info
- .Content - name of markdown file containing the content for the page
- .Nav - name of the markdown file containing site navigation
The content
This demo site includes three pages of content for demonstration purposes
- - this page
- - an example contacts page
- - an example about page