Customization - Templates
- The template engine is a simplied one similar to Hugo
- It is based on Go’s text template
- The following fields are provided to the template for each slide
- .CurNo - the current slide number of the page
- .PrevNo - the previous slide number (0 if at the beginning)
- .NextNo - the number of the next slide (0 if at the end)
- .FirstNo - the first slide number
- .LastNo - the number of the last slide
- .FName - presentation file’s basename (e.g. presention for
- .Title - title of presentation
- .Heading - the first H tag found in the slide (used when generating a table of contents)
- .Content - the Markdown content transformed into HTML
- .CSSPath - if a custom CSS file is preferred, this is the link
- .JSPath - if custom JavaScript needs to be included, this is the link