pttk is a plain text tool kit for writing. The main focus is on static site generation supplementing tools like Pandoc. The metaphor behind the tool kit is a deconstructed content management system. It is easily scripted from your favorite POSIX shell or Makefile. It provides a number of functions including a blogging tool called blogit, phlogit, JSONfeed, RSS generations and rudimentary support for sitemap.xml. Combined with Pandoc and Pagefind you can easily build rich websites and blogs.
pttk is a program that works on the command line or shell. pttk usage is structured around the idea “verbs” or actions. Each “verb” can have it’s own set of options and command syntax.
The basic usage is as follows
Currently there are four verbs supported by pttk.
blogit is a tool to make it easy to separate website
generation from where you might want to write your blog posts. It will
generate and maintain a blog style directory structure. A blog directory
structure is usually in the form of /YYYY/MM/DD/
“YYYY” is a year, “MM” is a two digit month and “DD” is a two digit day
representation. It also maintains a “blog.json” document that describes
the metadata and layout for your blog. blogit uses the
front matter in your Markdown documents to know things like titles, post
dates and authorship. The two pttk verbs “rss” and
“sitemap” know how to interpret the blog.json to generate RSS and
sitemap.xml respectively.
The form of the blogit command is
In this example I have a Markdown document I want to use as a blog
post in $HOME/Documents/
. I’m generating my
blog in a directory called $HOME/Sites/my-website/blog
. If
I want to “blog” the document I first change to “my-website” directory
and use blogit to update my blog.
cd $HOME/Sites/my-website/blog
pttk blogit $HOME/Documents/
The blogit verb assumes you are in the current working directory where you have your blog.
By default blogit will use the current date in “YYYY-MM-DD” format for the blog post. If you want to have the post on a specific day then you include the date for the post in “YYYY-MM-DD” format. Here’s an example of posting the tutorial on 2022-08-01 (August 8th, 2022).
cd $HOME/Sites/my-website/blog
pttk blogit $HOME/Documents/ 2022-08-08
rss is the verb used to generate an RSS feed from a blogit blog.json file. The format of the command is
If I want my blog feed to be feeds/index.xml
in the
WordPress style for my blog in the blog
directory I would
change to my-website
directory and then use the
rss as follows.
cd $HOME/Sites/my-website
pttk rss blog/blog.json feeds/index.xml
This will generate our feeds/index.xml
document. If the
feeds directory doesn’t exist it’ll get created. Updating the RSS
picking up new post is just a matter of invoking pttk rss
the command again.
sitemap generates a “sitemap.xml” file that describes the site layout to searching crawlers. The specification for sitemap.xml stipulates a maximum number of entries in the sitemap.xml. For large websites this used to be a problem but the specification allows for multiple sitemaps to be used. The sitemap verb will generate a sitemap.xml in the root website directory and in any sub-directories of the website. If Markdown documents are found then it’ll use front matter for the matching HTML files and “blog.json” file for the blog content.
The form for sitemap is simple.
Here’s an example for our “my-website” directory.
pttk sitemap $HOME/Sites/my-website
This wold generate a sitemap file of
and if necessary ones in
the sub directories like blog
Here’s some simple use examples of the three functions supplied in the pttk package.
Given a JSON Object document as a slice of bytes render formatted
output based on the Pandoc template example.tmpl
, err := ioutil.ReadFile("example.json")
srcif err != nil {
// ... handle error
// options passed to Pandoc
:= []string{"--template", "example.tmpl"}
opt , err = pttk.Apply(src, opt)
srcif err != nil {
// ... handle error
.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%s", src) fmt
Using an io.Reader
to retrieve the JSON content, process
with the example.tmpl
template and write standard
, err := Open("example.json")
fif err != nil {
// ... handle error
defer f.Close()
// options passed to Pandoc
:= []string{"--template", "example.tmpl"}
opt , err := pttk.ReadAll(f, opt)
srcif err != nil {
// ... handle error
.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%s", src) fmt
Using an io.Reader
and io.Writer
to read
JSON source from standard input and write the processed Pandoc templated
standard output.
// options passed to Pandoc
:= []string{"--template", "example.tmpl"}
opt := pttk.ApplyIO(os.Stdin, os.Stdout, opt)
err if err != nil {
// ... handle error
go build
go install
git clone
cd pttk
git fetch origin
git pull origin main
go build -o bin/pttk cmd/pttk/pttk.go
go install
NOTE: This recipe assumes’ you are familiar with setting up a Go development environment (e.g. You’ve set GOPATH environment appropriately). See the go website for details about setting up and compiler programs.
pttk, a plain text toolkit Copyright (C) 2023 R. S. Doiel
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see