skimmer is a lightweight feed reader inspired by newsboat and yarnc. skimmer is very minimal and lacks features. That is skimmer’s best feature. skimmer tries to do two things well.
That’s it. That is skimmer secret power. It does only two things. There is no elaborate user interface beyond standard input, standard output and standard error found on POSIX type operating systems.
skimmer needs to know what feed items to download and display. This
done by providing a newsboat style URLs file. The feeds are read and the
channel and item information is stored in an SQLite3 database of a
similarly named file but with the .skim
extension. When you
want to read the downloaded items you invoke skimmer again with the
file. This allows you to easily maintain separate
list of feeds to skim and potentially re-use the feed output.
Presently skimmer is focused on reading RSS 2, Atom and jsonfeeds.
The output format uses Pandoc’s style of markdown markup. - “—” starts the item record - This is followed by “##” (aka H2), followed by a date (updated or published), followed by title or if none an “@
Create a “my-news.skim” database from “my-news.urls”.
{app_name] my-news.urls
Now that my-news.skim exists we can read it with
skimmer my-news.skim
Update and read interactively.
skimmer my-news.urls
skimmer -i my-news.skim
skimmer can prune it’s own database and also limit the count of items displayed. In this example we’re pruning all the items older than today and displaying the recent five items.
skimmer -prune -limit 5 my-news.skim today
If I limit the number of items I am reading to about 100 or so I’ve found that this combination works nice.
skimmer -limit 100 my-news.skim | pandoc -f markdown -t plain | less -R
This project is an experiment it would not be possible without the authors of newsboat, SQLite3, Pandoc and mmcdole’s gofeed package have provided excellent free software to the planet. - RSD, 2023-10-07