The Antenna

finding signal in the noise

Items collected from feeds in journalism.txt


(date: 2024-09-07 07:27:15)

The Salt Lake Tribune, profitable and growing, seeks to rid itself of that “necessary evil” — the paywall

date: 2024-09-04, from: Nieman Journalism Lab

It started when Andy Larsen, sports reporter and data columnist for The Salt Lake Tribune, got annoyed with an “obnoxious” ad on the Tribune’s own site. He brought his frustration about the digital clutter to someone else who happened to be working late in the newsroom — chief development officer Ciel Hunter. “I asked her:…

Want to fight misinformation? Teach people how algorithms work

date: 2024-09-04, from: Nieman Journalism Lab

In an era dominated by social media, misinformation has become an all too familiar foe, infiltrating our feeds and sowing seeds of doubt and confusion. With more than half of social media users across 40 countries encountering false or misleading information weekly, it’s clear that we’re facing a crisis of misinformation on a global scale….

Most Americans consume at least some local crime news — but TV news watchers probably see the most

date: 2024-09-03, from: Nieman Journalism Lab

When’s the last time you consumed local news about crime, and how did it make you feel? For me, it was last Thursday, after a colleague shared a Boston Globe story about a horrifying development in a horrifying case. The lede alone, not to mention the damning details meticulously reported by Laura Crimaldi and her…

Newsonomics: California’s local news agreement with Google is a win

date: 2024-09-03, from: Nieman Journalism Lab

If you’ve been following the great debate over how the state of California should step in to aid its dwindling local news force — down 68% since 2005 — you’ve heard many voices. The debate, which began in early 2023, now seems settled — by an actual legislation-avoiding settlement agreed to by Google and Governor Gavin Newsom…

Would a tech tax be a fair way to make Google and Meta pay for the news they distribute and profit from?

date: 2024-09-03, from: Nieman Journalism Lab

As the News Media Bargaining Code agreements in Australia start to wind down, there is discussion about what will come next. Media academic Andrea Carson calls the codes, passed in 2021, “world-first” legislation because Australia was the first country to use competition law to get Google and Meta to pay news publishers for the news…