One Demo

Small, simple, flexible

One, builds on a minimal design

A Demo Theme for a mkpage project

One is a minimal theme. It uses a single page template, a CSS file and a single embeddible SVG file. It demonstrates basic usage of the mkpage command in a Bash script (see mk-one.bash).

Site navigation is managed in a Markdown file named That file renders as a single level UL element. Other markdown files provide the main body content for the three pages of the site (index, about, contact).

If you are building a website that fits well into a single page then this theme is a good starting point for experimentation.

The components

  1. page.tmpl is the template used to render all HTML pages
  2. css/site.css is the CSS used to define the sites design
  3. assets/logo.svg is an embeddible logo to demonostrate embedding SVG images in HTML

The following template variables (replaceable content) are used.

The content

This demo site includes three pages of content for demonstration purposes

  1. - this page
  2. - an example contacts page
  3. - an example about page