{ “title”: “OPML, a Go package and cli” }


opml is a collection of command line programs run from a shell like Bash.

Compiled version

This is generalized instructions for a release.

Compiled versions are available for Mac OS X (amd64 and M1 processor, macos-amd64, macos-arm64), Linux (amd64 process, linux-amd64), Windows (amd64 processor, windows-amd64), Rapsberry Pi (arm7 processor, raspbian-arm7 or arm6 processor, raspbian-arm6) and Pine64 (arm64, linux-arm64)

VERSION_NUMBER is a symantic version number (e.g. v0.1.2)

For all the released version go to the project page on Github and click latest release


Platform Zip Filename
Windows opml-VERSION_NUMBER-windows-amd64.zip
Mac OS X opml-VERSION_NUMBER-macos-amd64.zip
Mac OS X opml-VERSION_NUMBER-macos-arm64.zip
Linux/Intel opml-VERSION_NUMBER-linux-amd64.zip
Raspbery Pi opml-VERSION_NUMBER-raspbian-arm7.zip
Raspbery Pi opml-VERSION_NUMBER-raspbian-arm6.zip
Pine64 opml-VERSION_NUMBER-linux-arm64.zip

The basic recipe

Mac OS X

  1. Download the zip file
  2. Unzip the zip file
  3. Copy the executables (per the general recipe above) to $HOME/bin (or a folder in your path)
  4. Make sure the new location in in our path
  5. Test

Here’s an example of the commands run in the Terminal App after downloading the zip file.

    cd Downloads/
    unzip opml-*-macos-amd64.zip
    mkdir -p $HOME/bin
    cp -v bin/* $HOME/bin/
    export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
    opmlsort -version
    opmlcat -version
    opml2json -version


  1. Download the zip file
  2. Unzip the zip file
  3. Copy the executables (per the general recipe above) to $HOME/bin (or a folder in your path)
  4. Test

Here’s an example of the commands run in from the Bash shell on Windows 10 after downloading the zip file.

    cd Downloads/
    unzip opml-*-windows-amd64.zip
    mkdir -p $HOME/bin
    cp -v bin/* $HOME/bin/
    export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
    omplsort -version
    omplcat -version
    ompl2json -version


(including linux-amd64 as well as linux-arm64)

  1. Download the zip file
  2. Unzip the zip file
  3. Copy the executables to $HOME/bin (or a folder in your path)
  4. Test

Here’s an example of the commands run in from the Bash shell after downloading the zip file.

    cd Downloads/
    unzip opml-*-linux-???64.zip
    mkdir -p $HOME/bin
    cp -v bin/* $HOME/bin/
    export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
    omplsort -version
    omplcat -version
    ompl2json -version

Raspberry Pi

Released version is for a Raspberry Pi 2 or later use (e.g. ARM 6 on Pi Zero or ARM 7 on the 3B).

  1. Download the zip file
  2. Unzip the zip file
  3. Copy the executables to $HOME/bin (or a folder in your path)
  4. Test

Here’s an example of the commands run in from the Bash shell after downloading the zip file.

    cd Downloads/
    unzip opml-*-raspbian-arm?.zip
    mkdir -p $HOME/bin
    cp -v bin/* $HOME/bin/
    export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH
    omplsort -version
    omplcat -version
    ompl2json -version

Compiling from source

opml is “go gettable”. Use the “go get” command to download the dependant packages as well as opml’s source code.

    go get -u github.com/rsdoiel/opml/...

Or clone the repstory and then compile

    git clone https://github.com/caltechlibrary/cli src/github.com/caltechlibrary/cli
    git clone https://github.com/rsdoiel/opml src/github.com/rsdoiel/opml
    cd src/github.com/rsdoiel/opml
    make test
    make install