This is a document is an exploration of what pttk could be.
A Question and Possibilities
- What would be the minimum additional tools besides GNU Make and
Pandoc needed to make it easy to maintain my website?
- blogit, a tool for generating JSON presentation of blog posts and
their metadata
- An RSS generator would be nice
- A working sitemap.xml generator would be nice
- Support for recent innovations that Dave Weiner has done with
“reallysimple” feeds
- A simple static web server for viewing the review in the content
rendered with blogit or pandoc
- A way to integrate fountain manuscripts
- A nice to have would be a way to generate breadcrumb navigation for
both blogs and website
- Maybe this is driven by the top level index page’s front matter? Or
an index.yaml file?
- A nice to have would be a LunrJS compatible index generator for
integrate search
- What would be the minimum additional tools besides GNU Make and
Pandoc needed to make it easy to maintain my Gopher site?
- What would be the minimum additional tools besides GNU Make and
Pandoc needed to make it easy to maintain my Gemini site?
- Part of writing is reading, how can pttk help with that?
- A feed reader might be nice (e.g. similar to yarnc or twet output or
something more rich like newsboat)
- Need to read from RSS, twtxt.txt, stno
- Render feed list as OPML to share on feedland
- Need to support reading Gophermap as feed source (so I can skim
phlogs too)
- Need to support Gemini Atom feeds as feed source (so I can skim
Gemlogs too)
- Integrate following feeds from feedland
- Part of writing includes citing things and looking things up, how
can pttk help with that?
- A personal search engine would be nice, Pagefind shows a very good
approach but doesn’t search from the command line
- A way to read/reference freeds like Dave Wiener’s feed mailbox with
a link to cite it in my blog or read it in Pocket
- A way to display OPML of interesting sites
- Should your site search be simple (site only) or a “personal search
- Pagefind implements a very good website static site
- Pagefind doesn’t support remote resources inless a pagefind bunldle
can be referenced
- Pagefind doesn’t work on Gopher and Gemini sites
- Pagefind search UI is GUI browser based, doesn’t work in lynx or as
a cli
- A Personal search engine
- A “personal search engine” would take a set of OPML files,
JSONfeeds, twtxt.txt and RSS feeds index their content for easy
- A “personal search engine” would return links to the object,
citation and link to “read in pocket”
- A “personal search engine” would also index documentation sites so
you could easily look up code questions with out getting the spam and
poor quality links of comercial general search engines (e.g. Google,
Bing, DuckDuckGo)
Potential Verbs (actions)
- A set of verbs to processing more complex actions
- “blogit” should be a fresh implementation of the blogit CLI from
- “phlogit” should be manage and organizing a Gopher phlog
- “series” would manage both a curated feed and series table of
content based on Markdown frontmatter in files
- “rss” should generate appropriate, modern RSS 2.0 for
- “jsonfeed” should generate appropriate JSON feeds for
- “sitemap” should generate a sitemap for a website and support
sub-sitemaps were appropraite
- “search” would let you search your site’s content, if possible via
something similar to pagefind
- “search” also might function as a personal search engine
- “index” would generate a search index like LunrJS or pagefind
indexes used by the “search” verb
- should be able to index all Markdown content and front matter
- should be able to index content provided via an OPML file
- should be able to index content provided by an RSS feed
- should be able to index content distributed as JSON such as the
context synsitive help you have in VSCode from Mozilla developer
website, Python or Golang’s documentation websites
- “reader” would provide a feed reading experiences similar to Dave
Weiner’s mailbox feed reader
- could be browser based building on a localhost web server
- should include a citation link
- should include a “read in pocket” link
- should include a link to the original content
- “readit” would take a list of URLs (e.g. .newsboat/url), scan them
and gerate a pocket reading list, or a RSS file that could be fed to
Dave Weiner’s mailbox style feed reader
Current Innovations
Go packages to look at
- gofeed package provides a universal reader, appears to be still
- Gorrilla provides a RSS generator, Gorrilla is looking for a new
maintainer and appears to have stopped evolving (i.e. is current stable,
may not have a community to update it in the future)