pttk include




For each line that starts with the include directive will cause the included file to be written to the output stream. If the included file itself has include directives those will be rendering int he output stream.

The include directive starts with “#include(” and is closed with “);”. Between the start and end of the directive the text is considered a filename. Any text in the line with the directive after “);” will not be included in the output stream.

pttk normally reads from standard input and writes to standard output but may read from an optional input file name and write to an optional output filename. The input filename is presumed to come before the output filename.


Using FILENAME for input stream
Write output stream to FILENAME
Display this help


running the command

In this example we run an “include” operation on the file “myfile.txt” and each of the include directives encountered will be processed recursively.

    pttk include myfile.txt

Read “myfile.txt” and write to “yourfile.txt”

    pttk include myfile.txt yourfile.txt

To piece together a Markdown file from parts named in “book.txt” which include the following Markdown documents.

    pttk include book.txt

exampel of directives

The “” could look like

    title: "Mybook"
    author: " (Jane Doe)"
    pubDate: 2022-08-26





The line “#include(;” tells the include operation to include the “” file. Similary the lines for “” and “” work the say way. If “”, “” or “” also has include directives there content would also be included in the output stream.