range -- generating simple integer sequences for shell scripts


range is a command line program run from a shell like Bash. You can find compiled version in the releases in the Github repository in a zip file named range-binary-release.zip. Inside the zip file look for the directory that matches your computer and copy that someplace defined in your path (e.g. $HOME/bin).

Compiled versions are available for Mac OS X (amd64 processor), Linux (amd64), Windows (amd64) and Rapsberry Pi (both ARM6 and ARM7)

Mac OS X

  1. Go to github.com/rsdoiel/range/releases/latest
  2. Click on the green “range-binary-release.zip” link and download
  3. Open a finder window and find the downloaded file and unzip it (e.g. range-binary-release.zip)
  4. Look in the unziped folder and find dist/macosx-amd64/range
  5. Drag (or copy) the range to a “bin” directory in your path
  6. Open and “Terminal” and run range -h


  1. Go to github.com/rsdoiel/range/releases/latest
  2. Click on the green “range-binary-release.zip” link and download
  3. Open the file manager find the downloaded file and unzip it (e.g. range-binary-release.zip)
  4. Look in the unziped folder and find dist/windows-amd64/range.exe
  5. Drag (or copy) the range.exe to a “bin” directory in your path
  6. Open Bash and and run range -h


  1. Go to github.com/rsdoiel/range/releases/latest
  2. Click on the green “range-binary-release.zip” link and download
  3. find the downloaded zip file and unzip it (e.g. unzip ~/Downloads/range-binary-release.zip)
  4. In the unziped directory and find for dist/linux-amd64/range
  5. copy the range to a “bin” directory (e.g. cp ~/Downloads/range-binary-release/dist/linux-amd64/range ~/bin/)
  6. From the shell prompt run range -h

Raspberry Pi

If you are using a Raspberry Pi 2 or later use the ARM7 binary, ARM6 is only for the first generaiton Raspberry Pi.

  1. Go to github.com/rsdoiel/range/releases/latest
  2. Click on the green “range-binary-release.zip” link and download
  3. find the downloaded zip file and unzip it (e.g. unzip ~/Downloads/range-binary-release.zip)
  4. In the unziped directory and find for dist/raspberrypi-arm7/range
  5. copy the range to a “bin” directory (e.g. cp ~/Downloads/range-binary-release/dist/raspberrypi-arm7/range ~/bin/)
    • if you are using an original Raspberry Pi you should copy the ARM6 version instead
  6. From the shell prompt run range -h