reldate - generate relative dates in YYYY-MM-DD format


reldate is a command line program run from a shell like Bash. You can find compiled version in the releases in the Github repository in a zip file named Inside the zip file look for the directory that matches your computer and copy that someplace defined in your path (e.g. $HOME/bin).

Compiled versions are available for Mac OS X (amd64 processor), Linux (amd64), Windows (amd64) and Rapsberry Pi (both ARM6 and ARM7)

Mac OS X

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the green “” link and download
  3. Open a finder window and find the downloaded file and unzip it (e.g.
  4. Look in the unziped folder and find dist/macosx-amd64/reldate
  5. Drag (or copy) the reldate to a “bin” directory in your path
  6. Open and “Terminal” and run reldate -h


  1. Go to
  2. Click on the green “” link and download
  3. Open the file manager find the downloaded file and unzip it (e.g.
  4. Look in the unziped folder and find dist/windows-amd64/reldate.exe
  5. Drag (or copy) the reldate.exe to a “bin” directory in your path
  6. Open Bash and and run reldate -h


  1. Go to
  2. Click on the green “” link and download
  3. find the downloaded zip file and unzip it (e.g. unzip ~/Downloads/
  4. In the unziped directory and find for dist/linux-amd64/reldate
  5. copy the reldate to a “bin” directory (e.g. cp ~/Downloads/reldate-binary-release/dist/linux-amd64/reldate ~/bin/)
  6. From the shell prompt run reldate -h

Raspberry Pi

If you are using a Raspberry Pi 2 or later use the ARM7 binary, ARM6 is only for the first generaiton Raspberry Pi.

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the green “” link and download
  3. find the downloaded zip file and unzip it (e.g. unzip ~/Downloads/
  4. In the unziped directory and find for dist/raspberrypi-arm7/reldate
  5. copy the reldate to a “bin” directory (e.g. cp ~/Downloads/reldate-binary-release/dist/raspberrypi-arm7/reldate ~/bin/)
    • if you are using an original Raspberry Pi you should copy the ARM6 version instead
  6. From the shell prompt run reldate -h