jsontools -- a small collection of file and shell utilities


Compiled version

jsontools is a collection of command line programs run from a shell like Bash (or Powershell in Windows). If you download the repository a compiled version is in the dist directory. The compiled VERSION_NO matching your computer type and operating system can be copied to a bin directory in your PATH.

Compiled versions are available for Mac OS X (amd64 processor), Linux (amd64), Windows (amd64) and Rapsberry Pi (both ARM6 and ARM7)

Mac OS X

  1. Download jsontools-VERSION_NO-release.zip from https://github.com/rsdoiel/jsontools/releases/latest
  2. Open a finder window, find and unzip jsontools-VERSION_NO-release.zip
  3. Look in the unziped folder and find dist/macosx-amd64/
  4. Drag (or copy) jsoncols, jsonrange, etc. to a “bin” directory in your path
  5. Open and “Terminal” and run jsoncols -h to confirm you were successful


  1. Download jsontools-VERSION_NO-release.zip from https://github.com/rsdoiel/jsontools/releases/latest
  2. Open the file manager find and unzip jsontools-VERSION_NO-release.zip
  3. Look in the unziped folder and find dist/windows-amd64/
  4. Drag (or copy) jsoncols.exe, jsonrange.exe, etc. to a “bin” directory in your path
  5. Open Bash and and run jsoncols -h to confirm you were successful


  1. Download jsontools-VERSION_NO-release.zip from https://github.com/rsdoiel/jsontools/releases/latest
  2. Find and unzip jsontools-VERSION_NO-release.zip
  3. In the unziped directory and find for dist/linux-amd64/
  4. Copy jsoncols, jsonrange, etc. to a “bin” directory (e.g. cp ~/Downloads/jsontools-VERSION_NO-release/dist/linux-amd64/* ~/bin/)
  5. From the shell prompt run jsoncols -h to confirm you were successful

Raspberry Pi

If you are using a Raspberry Pi 2 or later use the ARM7 VERSION_NO, ARM6 is only for the first generaiton Raspberry Pi.

  1. Download jsontools-VERSION_NO-release.zip from https://github.com/rsdoiel/jsontools/releases/latest
  2. Find and unzip jsontools-VERSION_NO-release.zip
  3. In the unziped directory and find for dist/raspberrypi-arm7/
  4. Copy jsoncols, jsonrange, etc. to a “bin” directory (e.g. cp ~/Downloads/jsontools-VERSION_NO-release/dist/raspberrypi-arm7/* ~/bin/)
    • if you are using an original Raspberry Pi you should copy the ARM6 version instead
  5. From the shell prompt run jsoncols -h to confirm you were successful

Compiling from source

If you have go v1.7.4 or better installed then should be able to “go get” to install all the jsontools utilities and

    go get -u github.com/rsdoiel/jsontools/...

Or for Windows 10 Powershell (assumes the Windows versions of Go and Git are previously installed)

    $Env:GOPATH = "$HOME"
    go get -u github.com/rsdoiel/jsontools/...

or to install from source on Linux/Unix systems

    git clone https://github.com/rsdoiel/jsontools src/github.com/rsdoiel/jsontools
    cd src/github.com/rsdoiel/jsontools
    make test
    make install

Or for Windows 10 Powershell

    $Env:GOBIN = "$HOME\bin"
    git clone https://github.com/rsdoiel/jsontools src/github.com/rsdoiel/jsontools
    cd src\github.com\rsdoiel\jsontools
    go install cmds\jsoncols\filefile.go