jsontools -- a small collection of file and shell utilities


jsoncols was inspired by Stephen Dolan’s jq and Simeji’s jid.




jsoncols provides for both interactive exploration of JSON structures like jid and command line scripting flexibility for data extraction into delimited columns. This is helpful in flattening content extracted from JSON blobs. The default delimiter for each value extracted is a comma. This can be overridden with an option.


	-d	set the delimiter for multi-field output
	-h	display help
	-i	run interactively
	-l	display license
	-m	display output in monochrome
	-v	display version


If myblob.json contained

    {"name": "Doe, Jane", "email":"jane.doe@example.org", "age": 42}

Getting just the name could be done with

    jsoncols .name myblob.json

This would yeild

    "Doe, Jane"

Flipping .name and .age into pipe delimited columns is as easy as listing each field in the expression inside a space delimited string.

    jsoncols -d\|  ".name .age" myblob.json

This would yeild

    "Doe, Jane"|42