SQL Reflections
This series is a collection of reflections and notes as I work with
MySQL 8, SQLite 3 and Postgres 14 in my day job.
- SQLite
Schema, notes on migration schema in SQLite 3
- Rosette, notes on
moving from MySQL 8 to Postgres 14.5 in a project
- PL/pgSQL, a
Quick Intro, notes on starting to write functions and procedures in
Postgres 14.5
- Postgres 14
on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, quick distillation of setting up Postgres 14 on
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
- Postgres
Quick Notes, take two, Revised notes on setting up my Postgres
instances with macOS extras
- Installing
pgloader from source, quick notes on compile pgloader on my M1 Mac
Mini, macOS Sonoma 14.3