Series start as blog posts but
continue as collections that explore an idea, topic or theme.
The toolbox
Screen Play and writing
scripttool - a
tool for working with screenplay formats such as Final Draft, FadeIn,
Fountain and Open Screenplay Format (e.g. .fdx,
.osf, .fadein and .fountain)
fountain - A Go
package for working with Fountain markup. Includes three example
programs fountainfmt which is a pretty printer for
fountain documents, fountain2json which converts
fountain files to JSON and fountain2html an
experimental HTML renderer for fountain documents
fdx - A Go package for
working with Final Draft XML files (.fdx)
osf - A Go package for
working with Open Screen Play formatted files
Reading tools
skimmer - A
extremely minimal feed to to list log reader website
Additional text
rendering/formatting tools
pttk - a deconstructed
content manage system for managing this site
shorthand - a
text label expander with markdown support
stngo - Standard
Timesheet Notation processor for my personal project time logs
opml - A minimal OPML
package that features a OPML sort, cat and to json utility